January Challenge

Attend 15 livestreams or on-demand classes in January and you could win a Jade Yoga Harmony Mat! FAQs for both challenges are listed below.

Livestream Challenge is FULL, consider signing up for our On-Demand Challenge

Livestream Challenge Rules

Read below to learn how to enter and participate in the January Challenge with livestream classes. Scroll down further to see details about the on-demand challenge.

Who is eligible to enter the livestream challenge?

Anybody is eligible to enter the livestream challenge, regardless of subscription status. You can sign up here. 

How do I sign up for the livestream challenge?

Click here (or the button above) to sign up for the challenge. You will have to provide us your name and email address associated with your Better Yoga account. Submit the form and you will automatically be entered. You must sign up on or before December 31, 2023 to enter the challenge.

What do I need to do to win a Jade Yoga Harmony Mat? 

Three people who complete the livestream January Challenge will be eligible to win a Jade Yoga Harmony Mat. To win, you must attend 15 livestream classes in the month of January 2024. On-demand classes do not count toward the challenge. We will keep track of your livestream attendance throughout the month.

Is there a deadline to sign up for the livestream challenge?

Yes. Please sign up here no later than December 31, 2023. 

Where can I take livestream classes to count toward the livestream challenge? 

All livestream classes can be found here. You can find this page on our site navigation under "LIVE Classes" too. 

How will I know if I've won the livestream challenge?

If you are the selected winner of the January Challenge you will receive an email from admin@betteryoga.net letting you know you've won. We will get your shipping address and Jade Yoga will mail you a mat.

On-Demand Challenge Rules

Read below to learn how to enter and participate in the January Challenge with on-demand classes. You can enter the on-demand challenge on our community page.

Who is eligible to enter the challenge?

Any subscriber is eligible to enter the on-demand challenge.

How do I sign up for the on-demand challenge?

The on-demand January Challenge is hosted on our community page. You can find the community page in our top navigation and enter the challenge from there.

What do I need to do to win a Jade Yoga Harmony Mat?

To win a Jade Yoga Harmony Mat, complete the 15 on-demand classes that are part of the January Challenge on our community page. Once you do, you'll get an email and you will be entered into the drawing. 

Is there a deadline to sign up for the on-demand January Challenge? 

You can start the on-demand January Challenge at any point in January 2024, you will just have to complete all 15 classes by the end of the month.

How will I know if I've won the challenge?

You will receive an email from admin@betteryoga.net letting you know you are the lucky winner of a Jade Yoga Harmony Mat. 

LIVE Classes

Check out our daily livestreams featuring Katonah Yoga®, breathwork, and more.

Let's Practice

Why We Love the Harmony Mat

  • Jade Yoga's most popular mat provides great traction and cushion while still providing stability for standing poses.

  • Incredible grip, great comfort and eco-friendly

  • Eco-friendly: Made with natural rubber tapped from rubber trees, a renewable resource

  • Non-toxic: Jade mats contain no PVC, EVA or other synthetic rubber, and are made in the United States in compliance with all US environmental, labor and consumer protection laws.