Dates TBA
Detox, heal, and rejuvenate in community during
this yearly time of transition.
Why do a kitchari cleanse?
What does the 5-day Ayurvedic Cleanse include?
Mono-diet, Ayurvedic self-care, and more.
What to Expect
Our gentle Ayurvedic fall cleanse is based on a mono-diet of kitchari, a complete protein made from mung beans and rice. Less provocative than other liquid-based cleanses, our cleanse is gentle enough for a diverse range of constitutions and imbalances. However, during the cleanse you may find that long-standing imbalances surface through the detox process as the body intelligently repairs itself.
You may find yourself physically exhausted or emotionally taxed at times - this is normal. Though because the cleanse is gentler, you should not feel a great deal of discomfort. You will experience ups and downs, as many of the benefits are are felt after the cleansing process.
Register for the
Ayurvedic Fall Cleanse
The Ayurvedic Fall Cleanse, Explained.
Join expert cleanse guides, Larissa Hall Carlson and Kari Harendorf, in an informative session about what to expect when you cleanse with the Better Yoga community. This video discusses the Fall 2023 cleanse, and a 2024 info session will be posted in the coming weeks.
“The effects I observed were not just the physical changes in my body, but also the change in my mental approach to eating, wellness, and caring for myself. I became more aware of my habits and how they haven't always served bettering my health. And I noticed how I was more in tune with my body--not just what I was eating or how I was exercising, but the actual contact and attention that comes with the various daily care practices.”
"I found that community support kept me accountable to the routine of the cleanse. Even though the support was remote, the check ins and live yoga classes provided a sense of a shared journey throughout the week."
"I felt so great, and really supported. Lots of resources. Next time I’ll sign up earlier and maybe get a consult too!"
Save 15% on Banyan Botanicals cleanse ingredients with discount code KARI15
Get the Most Out of Your Cleanse
Making supportive life choices during your cleanse is essential. We encourage:
Keeping your activities quieter and more mindful during the week
Surrounding yourself with things, environments, and people that will uplift and support you.
Mitigating exposure to stress and minimizing time in frantic or disturbing environments.
Greeting intense emotions with compassion, allowing yourself to move through them and trusting the process.
Rest as much as you can, as cleansing requires lots of energy.
Spending mindful time in nature every day.
Day 0: Sunday, October 20
10:30-11:30am ET - Welcome, Launch Prep, Cleanse Tips, Q&A with Larissa & Kari via Zoom livestream (& recorded)
Pre-recording: Detox Kitchari Cooking Video with Kari
Pre-recording: Pranayama Audio with Larissa
Pre-recording: Pranayama & Meditation Audio with Larissa (Listen here)
Pre-recording: Detox Sense-Care Video with Larissa
*Begin eating kitchari and drinking herbal teas
*Self-massage with warm organic oil
Day 1: Monday, October 21
7:30-8:30am ET - Gentle Detox Yoga via Zoom livestream (& recorded) with Larissa
5-6pm ET - Cleanse Check-in and Q&A with LARISSA via Zoom livestream (& recorded)
Pre-recording: Pranayama Audio with Larissa
Pre-recording: Detox Pranayama Video with Larissa
Pre-recording: Meditation Audio with Larissa
*Mono-Diet of kitchari, hot water, herbal teas
*Self-massage with warm organic oil
Day 2: Tuesday, October 22
7:30-8:30am ET - Gentle Detox Yoga via Zoom livestream (& recorded) with Kari
10-11am ET - Cleanse Check-in and Q&A via Zoom livestream (& recorded) with Larissa and Kari
Pre-recording: Pranayama & Meditation Audio with Larissa
Pre-recording: Detox Pranayama Video with Kari
*Mono-Diet of kitchari, hot water, herbal teas
*Self-massage with warm organic oil
Day 3: Wednesday, October 23
7:30-8:30am ET - Gentle Detox Yoga via Zoom livestream (& recorded) with Larissa
5-6pm ET - Cleanse Check-in and Q&A with Kari via Zoom livestream (& recorded)
Pre-recording: Pranayama & Meditation Audio with Larissa
Daily Pranayama video with Larissa
*Mono-Diet of kitchari, hot water, herbal teas
*Self-massage with warm organic oil
Day 4: Thursday, October 24
7:30-8:30am ET - Gentle Detox Yoga via Zoom livestream (& recorded) with Kari
Pre-recording: Pranayama Audio with Larissa
Pre-recording: Meditation Audio with Larissa
*Mono-Diet of kitchari, hot water, herbal teas
*Self-massage with warm organic oil
Day 5: Friday, October 25
7:30-8:30am ET - Gentle Detox Yoga via Zoom livestream (& recorded) with Larissa
10-11am ET - Closing Session with Kari and Larissa via Zoom livestream (& recorded)
Pre-recording: Pranayama & Meditation Audio with Larissa
*Mono-Diet of kitchari, hot water, herbal teas
*Self-massage with warm organic oil